Let’s do this (again)!!!
- Location: Nueces Brewing Co.
- 11:30 – 6:00 Saturday, March 22nd
- No admission charge
- Family Friendly
- Food Trucks featuring pickle related speacialties!
- Artesian Vendors selling pickled related goods!
- Live Music
- Face Painting
- Pickle related competitions (we’re being vague on purpose) 🙂
- Best pickled product contes – See below.
- RELEASE OF “DILL WITH IT” our famous pickle beer.
Grab your crew and plan on coming out. It’s kinda a big dill!
Pickled Things – Competition!
The big picture:
- Pickle your stuff
- Bring it to Neuces Brewing on March 22nd and turn it in at noon.
- $10 entry fee for each container entered. Two categories: Traditional Pickle and Everything Else. First place in each category splits 100% of entry fees collected.
Minor Details:
- Anything pickled goes in the Everything Else class. Traditional should be made from cucumbers. Traditional can be any traditional style of flavoring.
- Items are expected to be homemade and delivered in a sealed mason jar.
- Date of pickling / canning needs to be on the jar or lid.
Plan on having it turned in before noon on 3/22. We will collect the entry fees the day of the event. If you have any questions you can contact us at NeucesBrewingEvents@gmail.com. Please pre-register via email.