2nd Annual PickleFest!

Let’s do this (again)!!!

  • Location: Nueces Brewing Co.
  • 11:30 – 6:00 Saturday, March 22nd
  • No admission charge
  • Family Friendly
  • Food Trucks featuring pickle related speacialties!
  • Artesian Vendors selling pickled related goods!
  • Live Music
  • Face Painting
  • Pickle related competitions (we’re being vague on purpose) 🙂
  • Best pickled product contes – See below.
  • RELEASE OF “DILL WITH IT” our famous pickle beer.

Grab your crew and plan on coming out. It’s kinda a big dill!

Pickled Things – Competition!

The big picture:

  1. Pickle your stuff
  2. Bring it to Neuces Brewing on March 22nd and turn it in at noon.
  3. $10 entry fee for each container entered. Two categories: Traditional Pickle and Everything Else. First place in each category splits 100% of entry fees collected.

Minor Details:

  1. Anything pickled goes in the Everything Else class. Traditional should be made from cucumbers. Traditional can be any traditional style of flavoring.
  2. Items are expected to be homemade and delivered in a sealed mason jar.
  3. Date of pickling / canning needs to be on the jar or lid.

Plan on having it turned in before noon on 3/22. We will collect the entry fees the day of the event. If you have any questions you can contact us at NeucesBrewingEvents@gmail.com. Please pre-register via email.


Picklefest 2024